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Headquarter Segrate

IBFM main site is located in LITA building Segrate and is part of the Research Area Milano 4 (ARMI 4)

IBFM labs main research areas are Exercise Physiology , neurophysiology , molecular biology, medical and biological image processing . Molecular imaging integrates ex-vivo and in vivo techniques (-omics, pre-clinical rodents imaging) by means of algorithms developed in house to investigate multifactorial diseases and the selection of new biomarkers in th fields of neurology, cardiology, oncology. Existing collaboration agreement with IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele ( PET imaging) and AST Niguarda MRI.

Secondary Site Cefalù

The Cefalù Unit is based at the Fondazione Istituto G. Giglio. Research is conducted on two main field: “Medical Physics and Biomedical Image Processing” and “Radiobiology”, using methodologies and skills concerning Cell and Molecular Biology, Animal Science.


Secondary Site Germaneto

The SS in Germaneto(Cz) is located in the building of Campus BiomedicoUniversità Magna Graecia the main research themes are Neuroimaging ,Genetcs and Genomics . The leading activity is the selection of new biomarkers selective for neurological degenerative disorders (Parkinson, Epilepsy, Multiple sclerosis,  Cephalea, and Alzheimer). Thanks to state-of-the-art equipment the investigators are able to develop new advanced processing of neuroimages which have spread throughout the world.


Secondary Site Lecco

The Lecco Unit was born in 2017 in the frame of the new CNR research campus at Lecco, completing together with the Lecco-branch of University Politecnico of Milan.